Civil society organs win RGB grants


By Voice Reporter

KIGALI-RWANDA-Several Rwandan civil society organs were among the winners of grants given to various stakeholders active in promoting good governance.

The Rwanda Governance Board at the closure of the governance month, 20th April 2013 in Kigali, Other civil society organs also received grants including Kizito Mihigo foundation which bagged a cheque of Frw 8million, Inter Church, United Nations Association of Rwanda, ADAP, GAERG, Rwanda Community of potters (COPORWA), and Genocide awareness group Never Again.

The organisations which were selected through a transparent competitive process overseen by a panel of people of integrity were recognised for their activities during the governance month.

Also awarded grants to media outlets Contact FM,, Isango Star, Rwanda Dispatch and Amazing grace radio.

The event was presided over by Local government minister James Musoni.

The CEO at RGB, Prof Shyaka Anastase told the High level policy dialogue that government realized that while civil society organisation had the will, their participation in governance issues was low and this was largely because of financial constraints.

Thus the Rwanda Governance Board came up with civil society empowerment grants to increase their participation.

This year was the second time the grants are being awarded. The top organisations which were given grants last year, Transparency Rwanda and COPORWA, were, through the advocacy of RGB able to get bigger aid from development partners. Transparency Rwanda got support from the British government while a representative of COPORWA said his organisation received support of Euros 300,000 over a three year period.

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